Thursday, February 28, 2008

Relaxation for your pet...

Music Pets Love...While You Are Gone

I know it seems hard to believe that these dogs of mine need help relaxing because there are so many photos of them sleeping, but the truth is some days are very stressful for them. Aside from the fact that this winter seems never ending and they have not really been getting the proper exercise, it seems to also be the beginning of squirrel mating season. The trees and fences are swarming with pairs of squirrels running in circles just overhead of my poor pups. They do all they can to torment the dogs for most of the morning. Poor Toto has to keep watch on the porch for hours just waiting for one to lose its footing or jump a little too low. Boston is stressed out just because he's Boston and Malibu and Shea find ways to torment their brothers when the squirrels are hiding.

I originally purchased this CD when Shea was a baby because she had some separation anxiety, (or was that me)? I don't play it for them all of the time but when I do it's as if a lovely Xanax fog has covered the room and all of them lay down take deep breaths and fall asleep. I know it is available on iTunes and at There are some tracks with running water and birds chirping, a couple of short stories about how much the pets are loved but mostly just soft relaxing music. Just beware though, if you are going to stay in the same room, prepare to have heavy eyelids!

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