Hi faithful blog readers,
I received an email today with the following information about a shelter in Indiana that will be closing in June. Any dogs that do not have a home will be euthanized. Please talk to all of your friends, relatives, co-workers or just random people on the street about this and let's find some homes! I am lucky enough to have 4 dogs that let me live with them and I can't imagine life any other way. (There are many days that I like the dogs more than most people)
Anyway, please read the story below and click on the link to see the adorable faces that desperately need your help.
"The worst sin toward our fellow creatures is not to hate them, but is to be indifferent to them. That's the Essense of Inhumanity."
George Bernard Shaw
My name is Christie and I volunteer with Animal Education and Rescue
> in Libertyville .
> We have a working relationship with a shelter in Marion IN and the
> shelter manager there is a wonderful soul. They unfortunatley are
> closing at the end of June (roughly) and any animal there on that day
> will be euthanized. 2 other volunteers and myself went down to take
> pictures and bios of their dogs. We told them we would try to help
> place as many as we could in rescue groups. I have
> included a link to the pictures that Cindy Falstad took that day.
> If you can help please let me
> know by e-mail or phone 847-371-1147 or 847-404-8143. Transport will
> be provided.
> Thanks in advance,
> christie
Please help & send to all you know....call for updated info...hopefully the one you want or someone would like is still there!
Hello Everyone!
Well, here we go again...more babies need our help!
Please read the message below and forward to EVERYONE you know. There
is a home for each of these sweet dogs, but their time is limited only because the shelter in Marion IN is going to be
shut down.
Please click on the link and look at these sweet dogs! There are many different
breeds, each dog needing a home, otherwise they will get
euthanized the day the shelter doors close.
There are
no if's, and's, but's, or's, or maybe's...it is going to happen!
Wouldn't it be amazing if those doors closed and there was not one single soul left behind to di e?
We are their only hope in finding homes and not living out the rest of their days on death row.
This is no small feat, don't get me wrong, and yet it is not an impossibility. Heck, you just might know someone at work
who has been looking for a dog....well, here you have it!
Please open the link, look at the pictures and forward to everyone youknow. It only takes one
look into any one
of these dogs eyes to know that they are special and deserving of a chance. Who knows, you might look back at this e-mail
several years from now snuggled close to one of the sweet dogs on this list
knowing that opening this e-mail saved your best friend's life!
Thank you for reading this message and for forwarding to others.
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